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Looking for gifts for your business or event?

Elevated, on-brand gifting is our speciality.

Never stress over what to gift again! Our curated gift boxes are expertly designed to take the guesswork out of gift giving without losing the personal touch. This is the perfect gift option for the person who is hard to gift, you aren’t sure what to send to someone or you are just busy. 

With over 18 years working as a buyer in retail, our founder, Kristin Fisher, sources the product and designs the gift boxes with her eye for product and love for packaging. We are dedicated to carrying high quality products from women and minority businesses to bring you affordable curated gift boxes for her for every occasion. Whether you need a birthday gift, new mom gift, mother’s day gift, client gift, employee gift or even a bridesmaid proposal gift box, you can trust that we will deliver a gift that will make their day. 

Simply select the perfect gift box, then add your choice of gift wrap, card and personalized message and we will hand-write your note for that extra customization. Then we hand-wrap your gift box and ship it for a truly stress-free gifting experience!

It’s that easy! Who will you Bocu?